Saturday, April 15, 2006

Sleeping Child

Opening Music : Tu hi meri.. - Gangster
Opening Mood : Light...

Well, I'm sitting here, at Nettin, the only nearby cyber cafe, as our institute Computer Center is packed with the first years playing some arbit flash games..
And right in front of me at Nettin, is this huge poster entitled "The Wonder of Life"... It has a picture of a sleeping child and the following wordings...

They are born with the
Innocence as we, as adults,
spend the rest of our
lives trying to reclaim.
They do not judge
or have trouble
expressing themselves.
Instead ,they appreciate
the wonders of life.
They are the best of ourselves,
magical creations of our souls
who live only to love
and be loved.

We watch every day
as they change,knowing
there is nothing we
can do to delay
this precious time..

Embrace the moment..
Its kinda strange I'm reading this now... Because for the past few days I've been reading this book called "The Tao of physics" by Fritjof Capra... where he tries to establish parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern mysticism.. In one of the chapters where he speaks about Zen, he makes a mention of the buddhist thought which says that the buddha exists in us when we are born .. And throughout our lives , we try to get back to the buddha state where we are all innocent and one with our environment.. Its kinda a process of unlearning, which will lead to a state of tranquility and happiness..
I'm not sure if the person who made the poster had a simillar thought in his mind...
( Jacques Derrida's theory of deconstruction seems to be of no help here.. )
But its quite strange that when you are thinking about a certain thing, you seem to encounter that thing at every walk of your life.. It's as if the nature know's what you are thinking about and is trying to stimulate that thought by offering related instances or examples..
Nature's one mysterious entity...
Closing Mood: I'm thinking...
Closing Song: Samjhona - Himesh Reshammiya
11:30 A.M
15 April, 2006

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